ConsciousnessWorks™ starts from the premise all action is a result of the attention and kind of energy we put into performing action. 


Grow curiosity.
Focus your attention.
 Shift the mood.
Energize social interactions.
Build bridges.
Think holisticall

"Dare Mighty Things!" 

Challenge yourself to be

10 times bolder- and have 10 times the impact!



Grow curiosity.
Focus your attention.
 Present with emotion
Energize social interactions.
Build bridges.
Think holisticall

The starting point of power is energy that is shaped from the knowledge of how to benefit from it. 


There is no doubt these are turbulent times. If the shift to hybrid work and 40% turnover and attrition since March 2020, has revealed anything, it’s that employees yearn for investment in the human aspects of work. People at work want a renewed feeling of purpose and a revised sense of inspiration in their work. They want to feel connected and they want to feel respected and appreciated. Beyond pay, benefits, and perks, they want to feel valued by their managers and organizations. 2020 taught us we have to be ready to shift in response to abrupt change.

But none of us needs to be stuck in tumultuous times with no skill for mastering change.  We can help you go beyond transactional exchanges to mastering the art of social interaction across divides.

You know you are technically great for what it takes to get the job done. Yet so much of what eats up your time and energy are the social and political games you think you have to play in the process.

"Dare Mighty Things!" Create the organizational culture where everyone belongs and everyone thrives! 



Creating the Future of Work

Course Starts When You are Ready!

Are you ready to make change?

  • Your voice is needed now more than ever.   
  • This is the time for you to step forward.
  • Your organization needs you. 
  • The world needs you.
  • The key is to seize opportunities as they happen.
  • Take your place as a champion for change that will benefit ALL players
  • Your voice is needed now more than ever. 
  • This is the time for you to step forward.
  • Your organization needs you. 
  • The world needs you.
  • The key is to seize opportunities as they happen.
  • Take your place as a champion for change that will benefit ALL players

Just Imagine…

The next 3 months are about to launch you into the most dynamic and productive time of your life. You are about to make invaluable contributions to yourself and your desired circle of concern.

I promise you can make things happen in a way you may never have thought possible before.

You have it in you.

I welcome you to step onto this learning journey with me and other movers and shakers who have a lofty vision and want to make it happen now! 

Imagine you can…

  • Make a bigger impact on how work gets done.
  • Build trusting relationships with those very different from you. 
  • Speak up even when it gets uncomfortable.
  • Reinvent your brand or repair your reputation. 
  • Reduce the tensions and uncertainty of constant change.
  • Build a network of supporters who can advocate for change with you.
  • Gain greater adaptability to pivot with abrupt changes in direction.
  • Become a champion for change in your organization.

Declare the change you want to make and apply the tools that will lead to your desired result.

Here’s a taste of what we will do together…

  • Gain skill on what it takes to shift a result and impact an outcome.   
  • Learn to focus on what really matters in persuasion. 
  • Choose to minimize distractions and pay more attention to your purpose.
  • Exert your power to initiate events and influence others.
  • Build a diverse network of trust and influence that is inclusive across the divides. 
  • Connect teams to collaborate with stakeholders to build communities of support. 
  • Show up with a greater sense of authority and presence.
  • Declare the change you want to make and create a timeline for getting to your desired result.


Creating the

 Future Of Work

with Dr. Kanu Kogod, MCC

In this practical, 6-module Make Change Workshop, I'll guide you in making progress on your goal for desired change in a way that is doable, sustainable, and repeatable. 


Grow Your Power to Lead

with Dr. Kanu Kogod, MCC

In this practical, 6-module Making Change Workshop, I'll guide you in making progress on your goal for desired change in a way that is doable, sustainable, and repeatable. 

Why Make Change Now Works:   

  • You don’t need more information and theory about why each focus area is important. What you want are tools and practices you can apply immediately. 


  • You learn by doing- by taking action. This workshop is about creating change- not thinking about it and certainly not asking others to change. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” 


  • You gain both competence and confidence as you try new tools and see what works. It’s like you are shaping yourself to build your power to positively influence others.
  • You don’t need permission to take initiative. To be a mover and shaker, you try, you learn, and you grow. And in the process, you have a beneficial impact. 


  • You don’t have to be high up in the organizational hierarchy to make change. Wherever you sit, you can have impact. Just ask the young high-potential leaders I have worked with as well as the executive directors in the C-suite. 


  • You choose your change and the tools and practices that best support you in implementing the change. You get to customize what you want to do, when you want to do it and who you want to enlist to help make the change happen.   


  • You have 3 months (and then some) to accomplish the change you want. Don’t meet your goal in that time? No worries- you will still make significant progress in making that change and can mark your progress in your Field Notes as you continue to draw from your Making Change Toolkit. 


  • Why 3 months? Because the demands of life can be overwhelming, and it's too easy to give up if the change is too big. You want to see achievements, contributions and progress. If the change is something you can accomplish in a week, well, quite frankly, you don’t need this workshop for that.   


  • You get a master certified coach, me, to guide you- one with close to 40 years of organizational culture change work who has honed her skills and wants nothing more than to see you thrive and grow as you desire. I draw from years of global experience with what works for scientists, engineers and businesspeople from a variety of cultures.

Details: What do you get?

I’ll guide you in a deliberate process to declare the change you want to make and then give you the tools and practices along with coaching to “embody” the skills for making change.

Develop Your Capacity 

Each pre-recorded workshop session builds your capacity for change and has a different focus for what it takes to implement change.

Session 1

Grow Curiosity.


Session 2

Focus your Attention.

Session 3

Shift the Mood.
(Emotional Literacy)

Session 4

Energize your Social Interactions. (Presence)

Session 5

Build Bridges.

(Cultural Competence)

Session 6

Think Holistically.

(Systems Thinking)

Each session builds on the previous session starting with an emphasis on personal practices and then moving to the interpersonal and organizational level. You build your "change-making skills" through applications and learning “experiments.” As a result, you determine what works best for you in your culture and context. You learn by doing.  And in doing, you make progress.

Customize your experience: 

  • When you enroll, you'll receive a Change Brief template that helps you describe what you want to accomplish, why it matters, ideas you want to explore and more.

  • At the outset, there is a kick-off session in which you can share the change you want to make (if you are ready). At that time, you will be matched with 2 Collaborative Partners who become your sounding boards and allies.

  • Let’s face it- making change is not always easy and you don’t have to go it alone. You’ll let the most out of this experience if you plan to meet together a minimum of six times throughout the 3 months. You get to choose when and how you want to meet. Think of your collaborators as trusted well-wishers who just want to support you in your success!   

Move at your own pace:  

There are six sessions offered 2 x per month – a virtual online workshop.

  • Each session has a powerful and practical focus delivered in a 20–30-minute video with ways to put that session’s focus into practice. The videos give you suggestions for learning experiments you can try based on the topic for that session.

  • Each session includes a Field Guide to clarify the topic and possible learning experiments you can choose.

  • Track your accomplishments for each learning focus in your Field Notes. 

  • Each session provides a variety of tools and practices to support that session’s focus, so you build your Making Change Toolkit as you go.

  • Just because you get a rich number of choices for practice doesn’t mean you have to do them all. You choose.

Track your learning and capture your insights and accomplishments:  

There are Six Field Guides along with attached templates for your Field Notes.

  • Each Field Guide explains the focus for that session. For each session, you’ll have a template to help you compile your field notes. This way you build your repertoire for what works so you have a record for future use.  

  • BONUS: You get a Certificate of Completion of the workshop when you share your Field Notes with your accomplishments with me, your coach. Sharing your field notes documents what you have done to build your capacity for change.  You also get the satisfaction of knowing you made progress on your achievements.

Emphasis on action and practice:   

Making Change Toolkit 

  • Choose from an array of tools and practices offered with each set of Field Notes the ones best suited toward your building your capacity to make the change you desire- you know best what will work for you.

  • Collect your tools and on-going practices for future use for the next change you choose.

Keep your eyes on the prize:  

Weekly Focus: 

  • Each week, I’ll send you a gentle reminder and some words of encouragement to support you in staying focused on what you care about. I’ll include the link to the video and possible upcoming events.

Get support when you want it:

Individual Coaching (optional): 

  • You may schedule individual coaching with me during the program (up to 90 minutes taken at once or in 2 smaller bites). Trust me, this is a really great deal! Here’s the thing- I'm committed to you being successful in making progress on the change you want.  Individual guidance is what customizes your experience so you get the result you want.


Group Coaching (optional):

  • There are 3 virtual coaching sessions. These are informal, come-as-you are activities. You bring your successes and we applaud. Bring your challenges and there just may be a tool to apply. Need to refine a tool? We can do that too. We talk insights and challenges with a heavy dose of encouragement.
  • Not a group person? That's fine. It's optional. However, this is one of the most valuable parts of Making Change. It's inspiring to hang out with other movers and shakers who may give you an idea you never considered.


Collaborative Partners:

  • Why Collaborative Partners? Your partners can help you think through and offer support by asking questions (no advice) and sharing their own experiences through stories if relevant. If you want them to, you can ask your partners to hold you accountable for the practices you take on. A well-wishing component comes with each set of Field Notes as added support. 

  • One more thing about the value of partners- you get diverse perspective from people with different backgrounds from you. Just in these conversations you will enlarge your capacity to grow and learn from each other. 

E-coaching (optional):

  • Need help? I'm here via email or a 15 minute “grab and go” session you can book on calendly.

Special Pricing for Groups and Businesses!

We offer special pricing and courses for 3 people or more. Please click the button below to receive more information.

Talk to Kanu

Click Here to download our digital flyer on this special offer!


Creating the Future of Work

with Dr. Kanu Kogod, MCC

Seats are available.

I welcome you to join me and fellow movers and shakers who see the possibilities and are inspired to make change happen. 

Click Here to place your deposit now!

MAKING CHANGE: Grow Your Power to Lead

with Dr. Kanu Kogod, MCC

This program is valued at $2495

Get our entire course for only $995

Limited Seats available. Class Starts May 17th.

I welcome you to join me and fellow movers and shakers who see the possibilities and are inspired to make change happen.

Get on our waiting list now with your deposit of $100 and save $95 off the price of our program! (Early Bird ends April 15th) Click on the button below to start Making Change!

Click Here to place your deposit now!

Special Pricing for Groups and Businesses!

We offer special pricing and courses for 3 people or more. Please click the button below to receive more information.

Talk to Kanu

Click Here to download our digital flyer on this special offer!

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