ConsciousnessWorks™ starts from the premise all action is a result of the attention and kind of energy we put into performing action.
Grow curiosity.
Focus your attention.
Shift the mood.
Energize social interactions.
Build bridges.
Think holistically.
Grow curiosity.
Focus your attention.
Present with emotion
Energize social interactions.
Build bridges.
Think holistically.
There is no doubt these are turbulent times. But none of us needs to be stuck in tumultuous times with no skill for mastering the art of social interaction across divides. 2020 taught us we have to be ready to shift in response to abrupt change.
We also learned our collective voices have tremendous power to make change. Many of us got in touch with our desires and visions for a better world for all. Some of us already know we are influencers and change agents no matter where we sit in the organizational hierarchy.
You know you are technically great for what it takes to get the job done. Yet so much of what eats up your time and energy are the social and political games you think you have to play in the process.
You are about to launch into the most dynamic and productive time of your life. You are about to make invaluable contributions to yourself and to your organization and community.
I promise you can make things happen in a way you may never have thought possible before.
You have it in you.
I welcome you to step onto this learning journey with me and other movers and shakers who have a lofty vision and want to make it happen now!
In this practical, 6-module Make Change Workshop, I'll guide you in making progress on your goal for desired change in a way that is doable, sustainable, and repeatable.
In this practical, 6-module Making Change Workshop, I'll guide you in making progress on your goal for desired change in a way that is doable, sustainable, and repeatable.
I’ll guide you in a deliberate process to declare the change you want to make and then give you the tools and practices along with coaching to “embody” the skills for making change.
Each pre-recorded workshop session builds your capacity for change and has a different focus for what it takes to implement change.
Grow Curiosity.
Focus your Attention.
Shift the Mood.
(Emotional Literacy)
Energize your Social Interactions. (Presence)
Build Bridges.
(Cultural Competence)
Think Holistically.
(Systems Thinking)
Each session builds on the previous session starting with an emphasis on personal practices and then moving to the interpersonal and organizational level. You build your "change-making skills" through applications and learning “experiments.” As a result, you determine what works best for you in your culture and context. You learn by doing. And in doing, you make progress.
There are six sessions offered 2 x per month – a virtual online workshop.
There are
Six Field Guides along with attached templates for your
Field Notes.
Making Change Toolkit
Weekly Focus:
Individual Coaching (optional):
Group Coaching (optional):
Collaborative Partners:
E-coaching (optional):
Special Pricing for Groups and Businesses!
We offer special pricing and courses for 3 people or more. Please click the button below to receive more information.
Click Here to download our digital flyer on this special offer!
24 Seats are available. Class Starts May 17th.
I welcome you to join me and fellow movers and shakers who see the possibilities and are inspired to make change happen.
Get on our waiting list now with your deposit of $100 and save $95 off the price of our program! (Early Bird ends April 15th) Click on the button below to start Making Change!
This program is valued at $2495
Limited Seats available. Class Starts May 17th.
I welcome you to join me and fellow movers and shakers who see the possibilities and are inspired to make change happen.
Get on our waiting list now with your deposit of $100 and save $95 off the price of our program! (Early Bird ends April 15th) Click on the button below to start Making Change!
Special Pricing for Groups and Businesses!
We offer special pricing and courses for 3 people or more. Please click the button below to receive more information.
Click Here to download our digital flyer on this special offer!